Data services (workpackage 2.1)
The main objective of WP 2.1 is to assist the WISER partners with obtaining efficient access to all relevant project data. The project data consist of both existing data and new data from the field exercise (sample stations: Lakes and transitional and coastal waters ) and from ongoing monitoring programmes.
Altogether, more than 90 databases from previous EU-funded and national projects have been evaluated and partly integrated in the WISER project database. In addition, new data were collected for assessing uncertainty in estimates of the WFD ecological status (WP 6.1). The specific objectives of this workpackage are:
- to set up a meta database that provides information on the availability and accessibility of databases from previous projects and monitoring activities,
- to develop templates and guidelines to assist data storage and maintain data integrity within WISER,
- to provide technical assistance to individual workpackages and
- to develop user interfaces and assist data queries.
Outcome and products
D 2.1-1: Overview of available datasets and metadata.
To get an overview of the intellectual property rights (IPR) of the available datasets, we have compiled a table, which can be downloaded here.