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Review and guidelines (workpackage 2.2)


Biological assessment methods are key elements of surface water management and classify the ecological status of water bodies. A variety of different methods is currently being applied in Europe, covering al biological quality elements within rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal waters. WP 2.2 compiled a detailed overview of national assessment methods in all EU member states. A practical guidance on indicator development has been produced to help harmonise further method development carried out within WISER. Based on the analysis of existing methods, WP 2.2 will finally analyse different approaches of intercalibration

Outcome and products

A joint activity was launched between WISER and the Intercalibration Steering Group at the EU Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy, to collate consistent data about more than 280 national >assessment methods< used in WFD quality monitoring. The guidance on indicator development is a kind of "cook books" for the development of common metrics and assessment methods to be applied for different biological quality elements and water categories.

D 2.2-1: Online database on assessment methods for lakes, rivers, coastal and transitional waters in Europe.
D 2.2-2: Guidance paper on indicator development to be used for lake and transitional/coastal waters in WISER.

Relevance for end users

The WISER methods database provides water managers and applied scientists with a concise and easily accessible summary of European water quality assessment methods.

WISER: "Water bodies in Europe: Integrative Systems to assess Ecological status and Recovery"
Online: [date: 2025/02/17]
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