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Special issue in the journal "Hydrobiologia"

Entitled "Water Bodies in Europe - integrative systems to assess ecological status and recovery". It summarises the results of WISER. The special issue includes 31 peer-reviewed papers, addressing the assessment and restoration of lakes, coastal and transitional waters, and rivers in Europe. For lakes and coastal/transitional waters individual papers address new assessment systems using phytoplankton, macrophytes, benthic invertebrates and fish. For all ecosystem types the effects of restoration measures are addressed.

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WISERBUGS uncertainty simulation software

The WISERBUGS software has been written to provide a general means of using simulations to assess uncertainty in estimates of ecological status class for water bodies based on either single metrics or a combination of metrics, multi-metric indices (MMIs) and multi-metric rules.

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Publication highlights

Zooplankton is crucial! Why its omission in WFD lake monitoring is unwise
As a matter of surprise to lake ecologists all over Europe, zooplankton is not considered a biological quality element in the European Water Framework Directive...

Combined approaches to set reference conditions are more useful than single ones
The authors scored the different approaches of setting reference conditions and tested them..

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common metric

Common metrics fact sheets

An important aim of the WISER project is to support the intercalibration process. One of the first steps required by the intercalibration guidance is to derive "common metrics", i.e. biological measures created for benchmarking and comparison of national assessment systems.

All common metrics are documented in a harmonized format.

Common metrics

conceptual models

Online simulation of conceptual models

The conceptual models are used to illustrate the relationships between three common restoration measures (riparian buffer instalment, instream mesohabitat improvement, weir-removal), its effects on instream environmental key variables, and eventually the impact of changing variables on benthic algae, macrophytes, benthic invertebrates and fish.

Open online simulation of conceptual models

methodS database

Methods database

It contains more then 300 entries about the national assessment methods used to classify the ecological status of rivers, lakes, coastal and transitional waters. Member States of the European Union apply these methods in their monitoring programmes according to the EU Water Framework Directive.

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The WISER metadatabase provides information on the content, availability and accessibility of databases from previous EU projects and monitoring activities, as well as new data from the WISER field exercises.

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WISER is producing a wide range of deliverables covering the different aspects of the project and allmost all are public available and can be downloaded as pdf. The list is constantly growing.

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lake sites

WISER sampling sites

A field survey was carried out across Europe to sample phytoplankton, macrophytes, invertebrates and fish. Explore the sampling sites, see how they look and where they are located.

Explore our lake sampling sites

Explore our sampling sites in coastal and transitional waters

WISER: "Water bodies in Europe: Integrative Systems to assess Ecological status and Recovery"
Online: [date: 2024/07/27]
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