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Internal and external information sharing (workpackage 7.1)

Objectives of workpackage 7.1

In times of increasing information flood via new media it is especially important to filter the relevant content of a comprehensive project as WISER and to present it attractively to both the project partners and to a wider scientific community, end users as well as to the general public. The creation of dissemination and communication strategies to facilitate the transmission of all kind of information is therefore a key objective of WP 7.1.

Therefore the aims of this workpackage are to establish different strategies of communication and dissemination on two levels:

Achievements so far

During the first 18 months WP7.1 has successfully established different ways of communication with the project partners but also with the rest of the world. This is done in a user-friendly manner, encouraging the uptake of the results for policy making (stakeholders) but also for the general public. A variety of different media were deployed.

Internal information sharing

Contact lists and email accounts: To facilitate internal communication flow contact lists with all members of the different modules and workpackages is established as well as specific dedicated WISER email-accounts for groups, modules and workpackages.

Templates: To standardise and harmonise the layout and therefore to support the corporate identity of the project templates for Powerpoint presentations but also for reports and deliverables were designed.

Intranet: To guarantee a simple and therefore effective data flow as well as to provide a data exchange and storage facility an intranet platform for WISER partners was set up, using the open source software OpenGoo.

Video conference tool: To save travelling costs and unnecessary CO2 emission a simple to use but powerful video conference tool is offered to partners (Adobe Connect).

Internal newsletter: To inform partners about ongoing activities apart from those mentioned on the webpage an internal newsletter is distributed on a regular base.

External information sharing

Website: To inform the scientific community, stakeholders, policy makers as well as the general public and the outside world about WISER a state-of-the-art webpage was established right at the beginning of the project including relevant information on the aims, the partners and the progresses of the project. The design of a WISER logo helped to increase the recognition value of the project within the worldwide web. The webpage is regularly updated.

Flyer: To give WISER partners the opportunity to distribute a short summary of the project to other interested scientists an information flyer was designed, which is also downloadable from the website.
Download information flyer

Poster: To present WISER at conferences and meetings a poster about the project's aims and approaches was created.

Newsletter: To inform about the progress of the project a WISER newsletter was set up which is now being circulated biannually to interested individuals and groups.
Download latest newsletter

End user involvement: To guarantee that the methods developed within WISER leave the scientific circle and reach the final user of it, stakeholders and other end users were invited to join the WISER consortium and to help achieving the needed goals.

The relevance for the end users

With a broad variety of tools ranging from a nowadays self-evident state-of-the-art website in an attractive layout to different printed matters (flyer, biannual newsletter) the end users are informed about the ongoing activities and WISER. The outcome of the project, namely tools, methods and guidelines will be made accessible for the public through the website.

WISER: "Water bodies in Europe: Integrative Systems to assess Ecological status and Recovery"
Online: [date: 2025/01/19]
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