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WISER metadatabase (workpackage 2.1)

The meta-database is not longer maintained and offline

Generally the WISER metadatabase provides information on the content, availability and accessibility of databases from previous EU projects and monitoring activities, as well as new data from the WISER field exercises. The information was provided by the data owners through an online questionnaire and further treated within workpackage 2.1.

If you have any questions concerning the information presented here (including technical issues) please contact Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber. For the content of the metadatabase entries please contact the persons or institutes mentioned in the section "Technical info".

When using the data, please acknowledge our work as follows:

Schmidt-Kloiber A., Vogl R., Moe J. & Strackbein J. 2010. WISER metadatabase. Version: November 2010. Available at

After the end of the WISER project the metadatabase is further developed and maintained by other EU funded projects, more and other datasources could be found in the
Freshwater Biodiversity Data Portal (member of the Freshwater Information Platform)

To get an overview of the intellectual property rights (IPR) of the available databases, we have compiled a table, which can be downloaded here.

Download IPR overview table (xls, 20kb)