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Lake name: | Las Vencías | Country: | Spain | GIG Region: | Med |
GIG Type: | LM8 | Lake code: | SP2040 | Altitude(m a.s.l.): | 869 |
Area (km²): | 0.71 | Mean depth (m): | 12.6 | Mixing regime: | Stratified |
Alkalinity (m eq/l): | 3 | Retention time (yr): | ---- | Chlorophyll a (µg/l): | 9.8 |
Total phosphorus (µg/l): | 55 | Eutrophication status: | 2 - Medium | Hydromorphological status: | 3 - High AWB |

This reservoir was built in 1962 in a deep canyon of the Durata river. It is located at 869 m a.s.l on limestone. It is part of the river Duero large catchment. The closest city is Segovia. It has a maximum volume of 9x106 m3. The catchment is covered in a 60% by conifer forests and the rest are fields for rain-fed agriculture. It was built for energy production and is quite popular for fishing and general recreation.
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