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Lake name: | Grienericksee | Country: | Germany | GIG Region: | CB |
GIG Type: | LCB1_short_retention_time | Lake code: | DG95 | Altitude(m a.s.l.): | 56 |
Area (km²): | 0.87 | Mean depth (m): | 4.33 | Mixing regime: | Stratified |
Alkalinity (m eq/l): | 2.2 | Retention time (yr): | 0.34 | Chlorophyll a (µg/l): | 25.18 |
Total phosphorus (µg/l): | 36.5 | Eutrophication status: | 2 - Medium | Hydromorphological status: | 2 - Medium |

Grienericksee (Germany, Brandenburg) is located within the nature reserve area “Stechlin-Ruppiner-Land”. It receives water inputs from more than 20 lakes and has a catchement characterised by about 70% of natural or semi-natural land use. Trophic status and phytoplankton has been investigated in 2005. Within WISER all four Biological Quality Elements will be sampled.
The entire eastern shore of this eutrophic lake is highly developed including a recreational beach and several marinas. The western shore is characterised by dense woodland and vast reed belts. It has been investigated in several previous projects (see e.g. Brauns, M., Garcia, X.-F., Walz, N &. Pusch, M. (2007): Effects of human shoreline development on littoral macroinvertebrates in lowland lakes.- J. Appl. Ecol. 44: 1138-1144; Brauns, M., Garcia, X.-F., Pusch, M. & Walz, N. (2007): Eulittoral macroinvertebrate communities of lowland lakes: discrimination among trophic states.- Freshwater Biol. 52: 1022-1032).
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