You are here:Home//Programme//Lake assessment//Sammling sites //Nordborgsø

– Nordborgsø (Denmark) –

Lake name: Nordborgsø Country: Denmark GIG Region: CB
GIG Type: LCB1 Lake code: ---- Altitude(m a.s.l.): 6
Area (km²): 0.56 Mean depth (m): 5.0 Mixing regime: Polymictic
Alkalinity (m eq/l): 3.5 Retention time (yr): 0.8 Chlorophyll a (µg/l): 34
Total phosphorus (µg/l): 241 Eutrophication status: 3 - High Hydromorphological status: ----


Lake Nordborg is situated in the southern part of Denmark. It was created during the ice age and is a 56 ha lake with a maximum depth of 8.5 m. Until the 12th century it was part of a fiord system. It is surrounded by urban and agricultural areas and is known as a eutrophic lake with generally low secchi depth and consequently very limited macrophyte growth. Macrophytes are dominated by characeans and elodea canadensis.

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